

Can’t catch a break? Need your license back but DMV is asking for an SR-22. We can cover you! We offer Non-Owners insurance and Vehicle insurance that can include SR-22. 

Reinstate your License Today

Get your license back! Quote today and print out your certificate online. Have one of our agents review your License Status today for free.

What is an SR-22?

An SR-22 is a certificate of insurance that proves that one is claiming future financial responsibility. The DMV enforces it for “high-risk,” insurance policies, for motorist that has either been:

  • Convicted of a DUI/DWI (driving under the influence) / (Driving While Intoxicated).
  • Failed to maintain auto insurance.
  • Restricted or no license.
  • Failed to have auto insurance when an accident occurred + deaths or injuries have occurred.
  • Safety Responsibility suspensions, meaning serious driving violations, such as no insurance, reckless driving.

With this in mind, it is possible to get a restricted license by obtaining SR22 Insurance. We will file it with the DMV. Check with your local DMV to see if you are eligible for a restricted license.

Important to realize that before you can file for an SR-22, before you can have your driving privileges reinstated, you need to have minimum liability insurance. You can get it from us. The SR-22 document will ensure the DMV, that you are financially responsible for their driving.  

The following steps are how to file for an SR-22:

  1. Contact a DMV authorized auto insurance agency/broker office to request a filing.
  2. Pay the correct processing fee to the agency and request a QUOTE from the insurance agency.
  3. In the State of California, the minimal amount of coverage for 1 accident is approximately $15,000 for 1 individual killed and/or injured, $30,000 for 2 or more individuals killed and/or injured + $5,000 for property damages. 
  4. Once the agent receives the request form, the central office will deliver it to the DMV, where it should be obtained within 30 days
  5. If the DMV authorizes the request, the motorist will acquire their SR-22 from the auto insurance agency and a letter from the DMV
  6. The individual must keep the SR-22 Status for 3 years (36 months)+ (Do not need to refile each year), and if they fail to do so, they will have their driving record suspended and will have it suspended until their insurance is once again valid and reinstated. 

The State of California offers different types of forms:

  1. Operator Policy/ Non-owner SR22- for individuals that do not own a vehicle.
  2. Owner Policy- for individuals that own the vehicle.
  3. The Broad Policy- for the individual that owns and/or doesn’t own multiple vehicles.

What does it cover?

An SR-22 is to cover property damages and any liability that occurs in an accident if the motorist was involved. It covers the motorist liability to the other individuals that were involved in the accident. This means that the SR-22 will protect individuals who are involved in a collision with the motorist.