VIN Verification

VIN Verification

Need a VIN Verification? We got you covered!

What does a VIN Verification do?

  • Enables the automobile dealership marketers to verify that the car ownership on file matches the one in their system. Through a sophisticated process involving the VIN Number, date last visited the dealership, and the title transfer information, we are able to flag those past auto buyers who are still on the vehicle’s record and identify those who no longer own the vehicle. Correspondingly, this process consists of verifying that the VIN on the car matches the one on the documents register the vehicles with the California DMV. Along with the process, the Federal Certification label has to be on site and it has to go with accord along with VIN. If the Federal Certificate Label is missing, another VIN must be found within the vehicle’s body frame. On top of that, one must verify that the emission label on the automobile meets the terms of the California emission standards. This is exceptionally critical if you are a California resident who Is purchasing an out of state vehicle.
  • And now, if it is conducted on an older vehicle (PRE-1983) or on a trailer, travel trailer, boat, or motorcycle. Make sure that you can easily identify. Verify that it is the exact same as it is on the documents. If a VIN Verification is done on a motorcycle or scooter, make sure to check the engine. That is because in most cases the VIN you can find it there for small vehicles. Verify that the engine VIN matches the one on the documents.

What do I need to verify a VIN?

  • The vehicle of which you are getting verified of must be present.
  • Form (REG 31).

To sum up, we are able to perform this verification if the vehicle has a clean title / is out of state. WE CANNOT PROCESS A IT IF THE CAR IS SALVAGE. IN THAT CASE, ONLY THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL (CHP) CAN DO THE VERIFICATION.