DMV Non-Op (PNO)

What is a DMV Non-Op (PNO)?

A DMV Non-Op (PNO) stands for Planned Non-Operation. Meaning, that if one applies for a PNO, they are stating that they will store or not operate the car for a year. At least, during the next renewal year.

  •  An individual will not use that vehicle. They should apply for the PNO online and pay the filing fee of $20. They will have to pay the filing fee of twenty dollars up to sixty days prior to the expiration date. That is if they want to avoid a late fee.
  •  After ninety days, a late fee will be set in stone. The individual will be responsible for the full registration fees.
  •  The individual can’t operate the vehicle under PNO. If they drive the vehicle in any area, they could get a citation. Then, they will have to pay the full registration fee. Not to mention, the penalties. They must pay these fees that same year in which the individual had optioned out.
  • You will have to sign a REG 102 to state that you will not be moving the vehicle. That meaning, that you filed for non-operation.

-If the status of the vehicle of being nonoperational if forfeited, then the payment for renewal will be more than the usual renewal fee that is between the amount of $40 to $70, depending on the state that the vehicle is registered as being non-operational.

One must renewal a PNO every year or every two years, once again, according to the state that the vehicle is non-operational in.